Needs and Wants in Family Finances: Strategies for Teaching Kids the Difference Between Them.

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Financial literacy is an essential life skill, and it’s never too early to start teaching kids about money. One of the most important concepts for kids to understand is the difference between needs and wants. Needs are essential items that are necessary for survival and well-being, such as food, shelter, and clothing. Wants are items that are desirable but not essential, such as toys, gadgets, and entertainment.

Needs and Wants in Family Finances: Strategies for Teaching Kids the Difference Between Them
Needs and Wants in Family Finances: Strategies for Teaching Kids the Difference Between Them

Understanding the Difference between Needs and Wants

It’s important to explain the concept of needs and wants to kids in a simplified and relatable manner. You can start by providing examples of basic needs (such as food, shelter, and clothing) and wants (such as toys, gadgets, and entertainment). Emphasize the distinction that needs are essential for survival and well-being, while wants are desires that can be optional.

Engaging in Age-Appropriate Discussions

When talking to kids about needs and wants, it’s important to tailor the discussions and explanations to the child’s age and level of understanding. Use age-appropriate language and examples to help children grasp the concept. Encourage questions and active participation to foster a deeper understanding.

Involving Children in Family Budgeting

Another way to help kids understand the difference between needs and wants is to involve them in family budgeting. Share the family’s financial goals and explain how money is allocated for needs and wants. Encourage children to provide input and suggestions, fostering their sense of responsibility and involvement.

Needs and Wants in Family Finances: Strategies for Teaching Kids the Difference Between Them
Needs and Wants in Family Finances: Strategies for Teaching Kids the Difference Between Them

Teaching Wise Spending Choices

Once kids understand the difference between needs and wants, you can start teaching them about making wise spending choices. This includes prioritizing needs over wants, evaluating the value, quality, and longevity of purchases, and thinking critically and considering alternatives before making spending decisions.

Delayed Gratification and Savings

Another important concept to teach kids is delayed gratification. This is the ability to wait for something you want, even if it means sacrificing something else in the short term. You can teach kids about delayed gratification by encouraging them to save for wants instead of immediate purchases. Introduce the idea of saving money for desired items, helping them understand the value of patience and discipline. Set savings goals with children, encouraging them to allocate a portion of their money towards future wants.

Experiential Learning

One of the best ways to help kids learn about needs and wants is to provide them with practical experiences. For example, you can take them grocery shopping and discuss the difference between necessary food items and impulse purchases. Encourage them to compare prices, make choices based on value, and differentiate between essential items and treats.

Role Modeling Responsible Financial Behavior

One of the most important things you can do to teach kids about money is to model responsible financial behavior yourself. Show children how needs are prioritized over wants in day-to-day decision-making. Discuss your own financial choices and explain the reasoning behind them.

Incorporate Educational Resources

There are a number of educational resources available to help you teach kids about needs and wants. These resources can include books, videos, and interactive games. Choose age-appropriate materials that engage and educate children about financial literacy. Make learning about money and financial concepts fun and interactive.


Teaching kids about needs and wants is an important part of financial literacy. By following the strategies outlined above, you can help your children develop the skills they need to make wise financial decisions throughout their lives.

Here are some additional tips for teaching kids about needs and wants:

  • Use real-world examples to illustrate the difference between needs and wants. For example, you could talk about how food, shelter, and clothing are needs, while toys and video games are wants.
  • Help kids understand the concept of delayed gratification. Explain that it’s important to wait for something you want, even if it means saving up your money.
  • Encourage kids to set savings goals. This will help them learn how to prioritize their spending and save for the things they really want.
  • Make learning about money fun and interactive. There are a number of educational games and activities available that can help kids learn about money in a fun and engaging way.

By following these tips, you can help your kids develop the financial literacy skills they need to make wise financial decisions throughout their lives.

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